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Worship Times

Sunday – 8:45 AM  Praise Band

Sunday – 9:00 AM
Holy Communion & Worship: 
  1st & 3rd Sundays of each month
Contemporary Worship   
  2nd-4th(5th) Sundays  

Sunday  – 10:30 AM  
Sunday Study – Adults (All year)
Young Adults – Teens-20s (Sept.-June)
Pre-Confirmation – (Sept. – June)
Sunday School – Children – (Sept. – June)

 Handicapped accessible  handicapped sign 

Headphones & Large Print for hearing and sight impaired 

Church Office
Hours: Wed. – 9:00-12:00
Phone: Evangelical: 518.872.0304
Parish Administrator: 518.301.5621
The Rev. Peter J. DeBartolo, Sr., Pastor

The Rev. John F. Bradowsky, Bishop
North American Lutheran Church

The Rev. David McGettigan, Dean
Atlantic Mission District of NALC


NALC Newsletter

Lutheran CORE update


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Sign up for Evangelical’s Monthly Newsletter to be delivered in your e-mail. Go to the Newsletter link in the menu and scroll down to enter your information and e-mail.  The Newsletter can be read online in the pdf format or downloaded also.


Sarah’s  Pantry – for help in time of need phone for appointment: 518-872-0304

Water Mission